September 10, 2021
Color Change: 30% (Low to Moderate)
The Canyon is noticeably more colorful today, with the contrast of the conifer evergreens and the deciduous lime hues. Birch and Aspen deciduous trees are sprinkling the Canyon with golden yellows. This weekend, you will notice a swath of lighter green trees at Bridal Veil falls. The entrance to the Canyon in Spearfish through Devil’s Bathtub are the most colorful areas to view right now.
The leaves are indeed “changing,” but we might consider referring to the leaves as “revealing” their colors. The yellow leaves of the Birch and Aspen, for example, are always yellow. We just cannot see the yellow during the growing season because it is masked by green chlorophyll. Production of chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis, the chemical reaction where plants use sunlight to make food. In autumn, the leaf’s production of the pigment chlorophyll slows and is eventually destroyed. Then, the leaf’s colors are unmasked for us to see and enjoy.
Enjoy watching the chlorophyll destruction this weekend as the leaves reveal their true colors!